Wednesday, June 23, 2010



I know, I know, I promised I would update and blog once a week and I have not. The question is why? I actually have no clue, I don't go to school anymore so why can't I find the time to blog? It's a mystery.....I think I feel like my blog will get boring after awhile because there is no excitement in my life. Life is going well but what else is there? Yes there is my personal journey through my pregnancy but then again you can go online and find many resources on people journeys through pregnancy so what makes mine so different? Is it really that exciting? Enough to catch people's attention and enough for people to actually be interested in my own journey? I'm not so sure.

I am sitting in my car on a Wednesday morning blogging because I forgot my keys on my desk in my office, I went upstairs and figured I would just call my co worker and ask if she could open the door and then I realize that I don't even have my phone to call. Maybe this should happen all the time because then it forces me to go back to my car and sit and wait until someone shows up and that then makes me get my iPad out and play with it, which led me to blogging. Ok I'm done for now and I will not promise to do this every week but I will try not to procrastinated and just do it every once in awhile.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad