Sunday, December 31, 2000

Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy

Being a Mom is so hard and tiring. No I didn't just figure that out at all. I'm sitting here telling Jordan to do HUD homework while my 5 month old is fussy and teething. It's rough. It's like I need extra time to just relax but don't have that time at all. Today was a really rough day and i get home only to be working again. Damn I definitely can't wait for my mini vacation, it's adult only and it's definitely needed.

In other news....
I didn't lose any, I'm feeling a little low, frumpy and lazy and definitely need more motivation and guidance. I start weight watchers hopefully next week, I'm excited to chat with people who feel like me.

I'll check in next week. Thanks for taking the time to read.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Home (aka work)